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cascara là gì, trà vỏ cà phê, trà cascara, cascara tea


In recent years, the specialty coffee and tea industry has undergone many changes in response to the increasing demands of connoisseurs. Since then has developed a new, exotic drink on the market that is Cascara tea also known as coffee husk tea. Although there has been a lot of writing about it since 2014 and the drink is slowly appearing in coffee shops around the globe, it can still be difficult to find, especially for Vietnam. Therefore, many people, even though they have heard of it, are still very curious, so what is this drink really?
Cascara means "husk", "husk" or "skin" in Spanish, is the dried skin of the coffee cherries. These pods are harvested after the beans have been removed from the coffee cherries, then they are dried in the sun before being packed and shipped. These dry coffee pods are not the same as tea bags - the main visual difference is that the coffee pods are slightly larger than tea leaves and have a wood grain resembling raisins or the pods of a nut. The neat part of this whole process is that it not only allows the coffee plant to be used in an innovative way, but is also environmentally friendly. Typically, coffee pods are considered a by-product of the brewing process and either discarded as waste or used as compost. Now, these coffee pods are reused to create a unique beverage of its own.
The taste of Cascara
Cascara is found somewhere at the intersection of coffee and tea, although it comes from the coffee plant, the drink doesn't taste like coffee at all. Cascara is often described as having a sweet and sour fruit flavor with notes of rose, hibiscus, cherry, mango or even tobacco. Likewise, cascara does not have the same caffeine content as coffee.
Cascara is not really coffee, nor is it tea, because it comes from the genus coffea (coffee) instead of the plant Camellia sinensis (tea) so it cannot be classified as a true tea
Cascara is not what some people imagine when they think of herbal tea, as cascara is made from fruit rather than herbs. However, there are several types of tisanes (herbs) made from fruit, so perhaps the best for cascara is fruit tisane.
Coffee tea may be a new Vietnamese drink, but it has been popular in other parts of the world for some time. According to some articles on foreign sites, coffee growers in Yemen and Ethiopia have in fact dried and brewed coffee like this for many centuries - possibly before the first coffee beans. first used to make a drink, in these countries dry coffee pods are often steeped with spices such as ginger, nutmeg or cinnamon to form an aromatic drink known as Hashara in Ethiopia or Qisher in Yemen. This drink is still popular & consumed more often than coffee in Yemen because it is cheaper.
Method of preparation: There are two ways to prepare: hot and cold.
Hot brew: Same with most herbal teas. Proceed to mix about 5-7g of cascara (equivalent to 1-2 tablespoons) for 30ml of boiled water, can add a little honey, sugar to enhance the taste or add ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon to enjoy. a traditional Qisher glass.
Cold brew: Cascara is also brewed cold and drunk as an iced tea. Use about 30g of cascara (equivalent to 6 tablespoons) for 300ml of cold water, store in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Wait and enjoy.In addition, today there have been many innovations in the preparation of cascara such as: cascara wine, soda cascara...
Uses of Cascara
Currently in the world there is no exact research on the use of cascara tea, but cascara is still being used a lot in countries around the world. Cascara is used as a refreshing herbal tea for refreshment, because it contains good antioxidants for the body and contains very little caffeine content, has a strange, unique and delicious taste.

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